Too many cooks
Charlie Griffiths
July 25, 2024
It is possible to have too much of a good thing; the more doctors and specialists who prescribe medication to resolve our ailments, the greater the risk of interactions. If we allow Dr. Google to offer his infinite wisdom we are in a very precarious situation.
MRI Phobia
Charlie Griffiths
July 18, 2024
MRIs, although potentially life-saving, scare the hell out of some of us. It's comforting to know that there are simple drug-free strategies that can help us through the claustrophobic ordeal. Maybe even enjoy the experience...
Meditation + Action = NLP
Charlie Griffiths
July 9, 2024
Meditation, in its many forms, enhances our self-awareness and creates an internal state of calm and confidence. NLP (Neural Linguistic Programming) goes a step further and transforms self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviours into a motivational mindset.
Positive Disruption
Charlie Griffiths
July 2, 2024
Often the positivity tools we need to achieve our goals are difficult to see or access because they are hidden by bullish negative emotions and beliefs. This simple yet powerful strategy empowers us to shrink the negatives and grow the positives as we perceive them in our unconscious mind.
A time for reflection and resolution
Charlie Griffiths
January 5, 2024
Why is the 1st of January the day to start critical resolutions that affect health, finances, relationships, career and wellbeing? CHARLIE GRIFFITHS writes there’s no point in waiting for a new year to change everything.
The countdown to Christmas Day
Charlie Griffiths
December 5, 2023
There was a time when Santa dictated the terms for good behaviour with the promise of great reward. CHARLIE GRIFFITHS explains that Christmas incentives became our first introduction to goal-setting.
Reality sours the forbidden fruit
Charlie Griffiths
November 6, 2023
Does retirement lead to boredom or bliss? CHARLIE GRIFFITHS considers the implications and speculates on how things turned out for the first retirees.
The day after retirement
Charlie Griffiths
October 2, 2023
Meaningful retirement doesn’t just happen the day you clock off. CHARLIE GRIFFITHS discusses the importance of making plans long before the big day comes.
Take a walk on the B-side
Charlie Griffiths
September 4, 2023
There are two sides to everything. CHARLIE GRIFFITHS discusses how his connection with the B-side during the days of vinyl singles now applies to his view of retirement.
Life’s not a beach
Charlie Griffiths
August 6, 2023
Why are words about retirement so often accompanied by a photo of a deliriously happy, silver-haired couple strolling along a pristine beach, hand in hand, leaving footprints in the sand? CHARLIE GRIFFITHS contends that the R word is an obsolete convention that refers only to resigning from work